En raison de la grève de Postes Canada, il y aura un délai dans la livraison des livres.

Brokers concerned about SME Cybersecurity

Insurance brokers should encourage their business clients to obtain coverage.

P&C | August 02 2024 10:27AM
Asset managers of the near future need to contemplate change

Study indicates asset managers should imbed new ways of working into their firms.

INVESTMENT | August 24 2022 10:30AM
Shift in customer behaviour has profound implications for organizations

New Accenture report shows a collective shift in people’s relationships with work, consumerism, technology and the plane…

SOCIETY | December 15 2021 03:01PM
Consumers’ willingness to share data on the rise

A new report from Accenture shows that more and more consumers are willing to share their data with insurers.

SOCIETY | January 27 2021 03:19PM
COVID-19: Aon teams up with insurers to restart the economy

A coalition that includes insurers aims to stimulate the global economic and social recovery in the wake of the COVID-19…

INVESTMENT | June 22 2020 10:11AM
Leaders and employees view progress toward equality differently

New research from Accenture indicates that a significant gap exists between how leaders and employees view progress towa…

ENTREPRENEURSHIP | March 06 2020 11:14AM
Mixing technology with people has its issues

Some 83 per cent of business and IT executives worldwide believe that technology has become an inextricable part of peop…

SOCIETY | February 12 2020 01:00PM