Medavie Blue Cross has launched Rxperience, a drug insurance management solution. The insurer unveiled the product on Oct. 13.
“Rxperience offers broader drug coverage, open access to traditional drug benefits and specialty drug management, all with less administration and more cost-savings,” the insurer explains.
Rxperience standard features notably include open benefit for all eligible non-specialty drugs, the insurer adds, coupled with expert management of “high cost specialty drugs.”
“With Rxperience, our focus is offering a plan that allows for increased access to medications and variety, providing our plan sponsors with sustainable, flexible options, and most importantly, reducing administrative barriers to health care. We want to ensure that every dollar spent gives members the care and support they need, and an ability to make informed health care decisions about their medications,” says Marie-Hélène Dugal, Product Portfolio Manager, Drug Management Solutions at Medavie Blue Cross.
Add-ons available
Add-on features such as tiered coinsurance and automated step therapy are also available.