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30 leaders will examine the future of life insurance distribution

Organized by Insurance Journal Publishing Group, the event will bring together leaders from various segments in a “codes…

LIFE INSURANCE | July 23 2024 10:41AM
Canada Life Re and Zurich extend plan coverage to $3 billion

A British defined benefit plan is boosting its longevity risk protection by £500 million.

LIFE INSURANCE | July 29 2022 10:50AM
The General Motors longevity risk deal was one year in the making

Two of the key players took Insurance Portal behind the scenes of the deal, which was announced earlier this month.

LIFE INSURANCE | April 29 2021 01:07PM
New app available to support mental health during COVID-19

Four corporations, including two life insurers, have banded together with some community organizations and developed a m…

HEALTH | April 07 2020 01:50PM
Air Canada wants to create an insurance company to shore up its pension plan risks

The longevity insurance market is taking flight. Air Canada plans to form its own life insurance company and buy annuiti…

HEALTH | August 30 2018 09:45AM
Study reveals reasons why employers are implementing mental health standard in workplace

Employers are implementing the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace primarily because …

HEALTH | March 17 2017 09:45AM
Life insurers looking overseas for growth

Fortunes of a life insurance company often follow the direction of the economy, but even this is not a sure thing. There…

INVESTMENT | June 30 2016 07:00AM