The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) launched a new stakeholder survey on August 16, to get feedback from individual stakeholders about their experience working with the regulator.
“We are engaging in other stakeholder and organization-specific initiatives to obtain feedback at that level. Please treat this as a reflection of your own personal experiences with FSRA,” the regulator states. “This is an important opportunity to provide your feedback about your interactions with and expectations of FSRA.”
Among the survey questions, FSRA asks respondents if they are aware that FSRA replaced the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO) back in 2019. It also asks stakeholders if they have noticed any differences in their interactions with the provincial regulator since that change.
The survey also asks respondents how well FSRA has delivered on its objectives, inquires about their awareness of FSRA’s engagement activities, education and learning opportunities, and asks how well FSRA is doing when it comes to delivering on its vision “to regulate differently by using broader expertise, rule-making and other regulatory tools and improved processes to reduce burden and increase regulatory effectiveness while keeping costs as low as reasonably possible.”
Would-be respondents are encouraged to complete the survey before September 2, 2021.