Insurance Council of British Columbia (ICBC) has issued two license suspensions, along with $5,000 in fines each, to Aline Marie Jacob and Nicola Sonia Barabas.

In January 2022, KK (the complainant) notified the ICBC of its decision to terminate the licensee, Jacob, who first became licensed in 2017. An investigation had revealed that Jacob had falsified medical treatment records and submitted five fraudulent emergency claims to the insurer between November 2020 and June 2021, receiving a total of $1,500 for the claims. 

The ICBC fined Jacob $5,000, to be paid by January 2, 2024, and suspended her life and accident and sickness insurance agent license for a year, starting on June 29, 2023. 

Jacob was also ordered to pay the ICBC's investigation costs of $1,062.50 by January 2, 2024. She is required to pay all fines and complete assigned coursework before her suspension can be lifted. 

“The insurer’s investigation revealed that the licensee did not receive medical care from the clinic noted in the medical documentation attached to the emergency benefit claim forms,” noted the decision. “The insurer’s investigation further determined that the name of the treating doctor in one of the claims was fictitious.” 

The same complainant notified the ICBC of a similar decision against Barabas, who was first licensed in 2018. The ICBC was notified that she had been terminated following an investigation into falsified medical treatment records and fraudulent claims, submitted between April 2020 and July 2021. Barabas received a total of $2,000 as a result of the fraudulent claims. 

“The insurer’s investigation further determined that all the medical notes submitted contained forged signatures of the doctor,” wrote the ICBC in its decision. “When the insurer questioned the Licensee about the veracity of the claims, she admitted to falsifying medical treatment records and submitting fraudulent claims to the insurer.” 

As in Jacob’s case, Barabas was also fined $5,000 and ordered to pay $1,062.50, both amounts to be paid by January 2, 2024. 

Barabas is also facing a licence suspension for one year (starting on June 29, 2023), only to be lifted once the fines are paid and the ICBC assigned courses are completed.