The 10 major transactions of 2016

As the year 2016 draws to a close, The Insurance & Investment Journal reviews the 10 major transactions of the last 12 m…

INVESTMENT | December 23 2016 07:55AM
Re-org at Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life

Great-West Life, London Life, and Canada Life are restructuring their Canadian operations around two business units, one…

HEALTH | November 09 2016 11:30AM
Life insurers looking overseas for growth

Fortunes of a life insurance company often follow the direction of the economy, but even this is not a sure thing. There…

INVESTMENT | June 30 2016 07:00AM
GWL's reports lower earnings, announces Dave Johnston’s retirement

Great-West Lifeco reported outstanding worldwide sales results for the first three months of 2016, but overall earnings …

INVESTMENT | May 05 2016 03:32PM
Great-West expands in Ireland

Great-West Life, through its subsidiary Irish Life, has agreed to purchase Aviva Health Insurance Ireland and GloHealth …

HEALTH | March 11 2016 11:33AM
Net Earnings Increase at GWL

Great-West Lifeco (GWL) reported its financial results for the third quarter on November 5. While overall net earnings a…

INVESTMENT | November 09 2015 11:52AM
Lifecos shift focus to pursue growth

They may not be immediately apparent, but several notable shifts are afoot in Canadian life insurance – changes which co…

HEALTH | June 29 2015 11:57AM