The B.C. Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal from Thalbinder Singh Poonian and Shailu Poonian, a B.C. couple who have been ordered to pay $19 million for committing market manipulation. They have not paid any portion of these sanctions. 

The BCSC successfully argued in the B.C. Supreme Court that its sanctions should not be erased by bankruptcy, as they were exempt under bankruptcy laws. The Poonians appealed that decision. 

The Court of Appeal upheld the lower court's decision and maintained that the BCSC's sanctions were exempt from bankruptcy because they resulted from the couple's fraudulent conduct. The sanctions will therefore remain even if the Poonians exit bankruptcy proceedings, the BCSC said in an Aug. 11 statement on the matter. 

The sanctions were levied in 2015 after it found that the Poonians had manipulated the share price of OSE Corp., an Ontario company who shares traded on the TSX Venture Exchange. The panel concluded that the Poonians inflated the share price through trading among themselves, relatives, friends and acquaintances, and then illegally obtained approximately $7 million by selling OSE shares to unsuspecting buyers, says the BCSC.