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Solvency positions of DB plans rebound

Equity market rebound helps solvency positions of Canadian DB plans.

INVESTMENT | July 03 2020 03:30PM
Ontario DB pension plan solvency ratios decline

According to FSRA, during the first quarter of 2020, defined benefit pension plans experienced the most significant quar…

INVESTMENT | June 05 2020 11:30AM
Hub acquires Toronto-based insurance brokerage

Insurance brokerage Hub International Limited has acquired a Toronto-based employee benefits and group retirement firm.

LIFE INSURANCE | June 02 2020 02:22PM
COVID-19: actuaries seek more robust data

The Canadian Institute of Actuaries has highlighted the need to increase the quality and depth of data on COVID-19 provi…

SOCIETY | May 21 2020 02:30PM
Canada Life Re announces €5.3 billion longevity risk reinsurance agreement

The agreement covers €5.3 billion of in-force liabilities for 82,000 pensioners.

LIFE INSURANCE | May 20 2020 03:19PM
COVID-19: Ottawa eases restrictions on portability for plan members

The federal regulator has eased restrictions on transfers from pension plans to locked-in vehicles for some members.

LIFE INSURANCE | May 19 2020 09:31AM
COVID-19: reminder of new RRIF withdrawal limits

One insurer is reminding its clients that the federal government is allowing retirees to withdraw 25% less from an RRIF …

INVESTMENT | May 05 2020 09:30AM