COVID-19 expected to hit insurance annuities

The life and annuity markets in the United States could be particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, harder than t…

LIFE INSURANCE | April 16 2020 10:50AM
Aon to acquire Willis Towers Watson

Aon plc has reached an agreement to buy Willis Towers Watson. The combined equity value of the merged companies will be …

LIFE INSURANCE | March 09 2020 02:28PM
Canadians will take a pay cut for better benefits

Many Canadians are concerned about having enough to live on when they retire, and more than half are prepared to accept …

LIFE INSURANCE | October 07 2016 09:39AM
Workforce health and productivity top priorities

Willis Towers Watson recently conducted a survey of 1,669 employers in 34 markets, including 111 employers from Canada, …

HEALTH | August 25 2016 09:29AM
Canadians ready to pay out of pocket for better retirement plans

A survey conducted by Willis Towers Watson (WTW) has found that nearly two out of three Canadians would be prepared to r…

SOCIETY | June 20 2016 09:45AM
Expect more mergers and acquisitions

A survey conducted by Willis Towers Watson M&A Risk Consulting in conjunction with Mergermarket suggests that the trend …

INVESTMENT | February 02 2016 11:34AM