Manulife’s Michael Doughty named 2018 chair of LL Global board

LIMRA and LOMA have announced the election of Michael Doughty, president and CEO, Manulife Canada, as chair of the LL Gl…

HEALTH | November 07 2017 09:45AM
Partnership formed to unlock potential of blockchain in the insurance industry

Two associations, LIMRA and The Institutes, have formed a partnership to advance the adoption of blockchain solutions ac…

INVESTMENT | September 15 2017 09:45AM
LIMRA announces life insurance blockchain advisory council

LIMRA announced Aug. 7 that it has set up an advisory council to explore opportunities for using blockchain technology i…

INVESTMENT | August 09 2017 01:30PM
Industry falls in line with Genetic Non-Discrimation Act, but fight continues

Canada’s insurance industry is falling in line with the new Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, even as its industry associa…

HEALTH | July 07 2017 07:00AM
Insurance industry learning to embrace the risks and rewards of insurtech

The financial services industry is not known for its willingness to take risks, but a number of Canadian insurers have o…

HEALTH | July 05 2017 07:00AM
Life insurance applications: Efforts made by advisors with Generation Y paying off

Despite a decline during the second quarter of 2016, growth in the number of life insurance applications for individuals…

HEALTH | March 21 2017 07:00AM
Caregivers risk retirement for loved ones

A poll of women who left work to care for a family member shows that half are concerned about the effect it will have on…

INVESTMENT | September 21 2016 01:20PM