Agent caught cheating on qualifying exams has license revoked for one year

Agent caught cheating on qualifying exams has license revoked for one year

P&C | June 20 2024 04:02PM
Life agent’s license suspended for failing to respond to insurance council

The licensee was selected for an annual renewal audit.

LIFE INSURANCE | June 20 2024 09:54AM
Failing to respond to regulator costs agent

Fine, costs and make-up continuing education credits needed to re-register license.

LIFE INSURANCE | June 19 2024 10:23AM
Insurance council fines licensee for missing five years of education credits

Efforts to make up shortfall and self-disclosure both “significantly” mitigating.

LIFE INSURANCE | June 03 2024 03:37PM
Agent fined for missed continuing education credits and lapsed liability insurance

Regulator says those capable of working are expected to complete requisite training.

LIFE INSURANCE | May 15 2024 04:30PM
Inactive agent with an active license fined for not maintaining liability insurance

Continuing education requirements also remain in place for those who maintain a license.

P&C | April 25 2024 01:44PM
Supervisors fined when licensee leaves client uninsured for months

Regulator says agents failed to place the client’s interests ahead of their own.

P&C | April 25 2024 10:46AM