En raison de la grève de Postes Canada, il y aura un délai dans la livraison des livres.

Report analyzes the cost of data breaches

Artificial intelligence, automation and involving law enforcement all shown to help reduce crisis costs.

INVESTMENT | July 26 2023 09:00AM
IBM intelligence report examines cybersecurity attack patterns

Research data shows evolving techniques in phishing, extortion and vulnerability exploitation.

P&C | March 16 2023 10:48AM
Separate studies conclude that leadership pipelines are lacking women

Advancing women not a formal business priority for many companies surveyed.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP | March 07 2023 04:04PM
Survey of 14 000 job seekers probes technology role misconceptions

More than 61 per cent say they are actively looking for new jobs within the next year.

SOCIETY | February 15 2023 04:52PM
Canadian CEOs rank sustainability as a high priority

Almost half of CEOs feel sustainability will increase their business, says IBM report.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP | June 07 2022 10:51AM
Leaders need to actively promote mental health - Jacques Goulet

Jacques Goulet, President of Sun Life Canada, urged companies to step up to the plate to help the population increasingl…

HEALTH | May 14 2021 03:50PM
Pandemic drives investor interest in sustainable investing

A pair of reports released in time for Earth Day 2021, show that the global pandemic has contributed to an increased int…

INVESTMENT | April 22 2021 01:50PM