Distribution channel forced to evolve

There is no shortage of issues that financial advisers will have to face over the next five years. What should their com…

HEALTH | December 02 2014 11:59AM
AFL transforms into multi-supplier group

The new blood infused into Lévis, Quebec-based AFL Groupe Financier since 2005 has transformed the firm from a regional …

HEALTH | May 13 2014 03:11PM
Viatical settlements stage comeback to insurers’ chagrin

Investment companies that specialize in buying up life insurance policies are picking up steam. Targeting policy holders…

HEALTH | April 23 2014 10:00AM
Insurance: a drop in the money laundering bucket

In life insurance, it is possible to launder money but it is more difficult than in the banking sector.According to Géra…

LIFE INSURANCE | March 17 2014 08:32PM
Strong compliance can boost value of business

When they sell their insurance and investment businesses, many advisors realize that they are sitting on a gold mine. Th…

HEALTH | March 17 2014 04:03PM
Advisors rediscover lifetime annuities

Advisors are seeing lifetime annuities in a new light, managing general agents said at the 2012 Insurance and Investment…

HEALTH | January 22 2013 03:12PM
Long-term care remains sidelined despite crying need

Sales of long-term care insurance continue to stagnate, and recent events have not helped things. RBC Insurance has with…

HEALTH | January 18 2013 10:00PM