En raison de la grève de Postes Canada, il y aura un délai dans la livraison des livres.

CIBC fined by life insurance regulator

Bank successfully challenges incompetency ruling.

LIFE INSURANCE | October 31 2024 04:01PM
Younger households turning away from the housing market

Mortgage balances decline in recent quarters among those under age 35.

SOCIETY | March 28 2024 10:45AM
Dealing rep banned for false and misleading statements

Fictitious broker notes intended to conceal forgery also discovered during investigation.

INVESTMENT | February 09 2024 10:06AM
Representative convicted for theft from a client banned from the securities business

Regulator stops short of imposing monetary penalty, saying conviction is sufficient for general deterrence.

INVESTMENT | December 05 2023 10:19AM
Tribunal sets aside regulator’s decision and reduces disgorgement order

Finds that a permanent ban from registration was not harsh or excessive.

INVESTMENT | October 17 2023 03:50PM
Intact’s acquisitions team ready for more deals

Analyst’s discussion about the company also reveals growing appetite for cyber business.

INVESTMENT | June 01 2023 10:39AM
Representative banned for personal financial dealings with another reps’ clients

After launching a daycare, representative also ordered to pay $25,000 in fines and costs.

INVESTMENT | March 14 2023 10:32AM