TD Bank Group and the Public Policy Forum (PPF) have announced the launch of a three-year initiative to discuss policy surrounding the changing nature of work.

PPF will conduct new research and engage policy networks, thought leaders and decision makers to look at ways Canadians can adapt and thrive in a changing workplace.

Norie Campbell, Group Head of Customer and Colleague Experience at TD Bank Group, announced the initiative at PPF's recent Testimonial Dinner & Awards. TD will provide a $750,000 investment as part of its global corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment.

"We are fortunate to live in a country with an enviable standard of living and great potential for the future,” said Bharat Masrani, group president and CEO, TD Bank Group. “However, as our economy continues to evolve, opportunities to thrive are not always inclusive. Aligned with The Ready Commitment – our recently launched corporate citizenship platform – the Future of Work Initiative will help identify steps we need to take as a society to open doors for all Canadians to adapt and prosper.”


As some jobs are lost to automation all while new ones are constantly being developed, uncertainty around the implication of these changes makes for a challenging policy landscape for government. 

"PPF is grateful for TD's vote of confidence and partnership," said Edward Greenspon, president and CEO, Public Policy Forum. "We are eager for the opportunity to work with a wide range of partners in figuring out how Canadians can ride the train of technological change without having the dignity they derive from work derailed in the process. These are complex issues with huge consequences. We need to get them right."