In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Insurance Journal Publishing Group has decided to publish our June 2020 issues in a digital format. Offered on an easy-to-access platform, both Insurance Journal and Journal de l'assurance will also be available in print now that our printing company is back up in running. You can also read our April issues in digital format.

We have received a lot of positive feedback from our readers. Many of you have expressed an interest in reading your subscription in digitally. In response to this interest, our publications will now be offered in both print and online. However, only the June and April digital editions can be accessed for free.

PRO level subscribers to the Insurance Portal have the option of receiving their subscription in digital or print.

Once again, articles in the digital version feature links to related content published on Insurance Portal. This enables you to quickly deepen your knowledge on a given subject – an advantage you won’t find in print.

Let your networks in on the secret and share the link!

To receive our issues in the coming months, subscribe now!

If you would like to give me your feedback on this development, I am always eager to hear from you!

Enjoy the publications,

Serge Therrien